Family Law Quick Reference Guide


Serguei Aily Franco de Camargo
Roraima State University/UERR
Vilmar Antônio da Silva
Cathedral Faculty of Boa Vista / RR
Thaísa Rodrigues Lustosa de Camargo
Universidade Federal do Amazonas/UFAM


Civil Law, Family Law, Law Principles, New families structures


This is a work in Civil Law, specifically in Family Law. The content addresses the main themes of the area, according to the Federal Constitution of 1988, civil legislation and mainly, the jurisprudence. The objective is to provide elements for the reader to learn to think about family law. This opportunity arises from the constitutionalization of this branch of law and more, from the judicial activism that revolutionized the way in which the tutelage of the State falls on Brazilian families. Exercises are offered, with online access to the answers.


  • Chapter 1
    Family: Introduction
  • Chapter 2
    Principles of the Right to Family
  • Chapter 3
    Considerations about marriage
  • Chapter 4
    Marriage Promise: Spousal
  • Chapter 5
    Special forms of marriage
  • Chapter 6
    Capacity for marriage: Qualification and marriage celebration
  • Chapter 7
    Proof and Plan of Marriage Existence
  • Chapter 8
    Null, nullable and putative marriage
  • Chapter 9
    Suspensive causes
  • Chapter 10
    Marital duties: Generalities
  • Chapter 11
    Property regime in Brazilian Civil Law
  • Chapter 12
    Family properties
  • Chapter 13
    Stable union
  • Chapter 14
    IBDFAM statements
  • Chapter 15
  • Chapter 16
    Child custody
  • Chapter 17
  • Chapter 18
  • Chapter 19


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Author Biographies

Serguei Aily Franco de Camargo, Roraima State University/UERR

Professor and Researcher at the State University of Roraima. Master in Conservation and Management of Natural Resources (CEA / UNESP). PhD in Aquaculture in Continental Waters (CAUNESP / UNESP). Post-Doctorate in Applied Ecology (NEPAM / UNICAMP); Environmental Law (DEPTO. ECOLOGIA - IB / UNESP) and Agroecology (UERR). Advisor to the Public Prosecutor (MPERR) and Professor of Law courses at Faculdades Cathedral de Boa Vista and Centro Universitário Estácio da Amazônia

Vilmar Antônio da Silva, Cathedral Faculty of Boa Vista / RR

Master in Regional Development of the Amazon, Specialist in Education and graduated in Law. He works as a professor in the Law course at Faculdade Cathedral de Boa Vista-RR. He is a Consultant and Legal Advisor to the Public Defender of the State of Roraima. He is an English teacher, Interpreter and Army Military (reserve). He is editor of the sites "" and "Pesquisa em Pauta".

Thaísa Rodrigues Lustosa de Camargo, Universidade Federal do Amazonas/UFAM

Legal Advisor to the Public Ministry of the State of Amazonas, researcher, PhD in Environmental Sciences and Sustainability in the Amazon from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), Master in Environmental Law from the State University of Amazonas (UEA), Specialist in Labor Law and Process and in Educational Research. He mainly works in the area of environmental law.


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Cover of the book "Quick Reference Guide on Family Law"



December 31, 2020


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ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)

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How to Cite

CAMARGO, Serguei Aily Franco de; SILVA, Vilmar Antônio da; CAMARGO, Thaísa Rodrigues Lustosa de. Family Law Quick Reference Guide. [s.l.] : UERR Editions,2020. DOI: 10.24979/uerr.edicoes.24. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 dec. 2024.