Philosophy as a Crossroad Point: Epistemological, Interdisciplinary and Existential Essays


Elemar Kleber Favreto
Roraima State University/UERR
Juliana Cristina Sousa da Silva
Federal University of Roraima / UFRR
Edgard Vinícius Cacho Zanette
Roraima State University/UERR


Epistemology, Ontology, Interdisciplinarity, Philosophy


A contemporary reflection on reality requires a greater openness to issues involving the connections between different types of knowledge. Knowledge is at the frontier of what we call knowledge, which can be characterized as inter, multi or transdisciplinary. Understanding this plurality proposes much deeper understandings about humans and the world. This depth is not found in the compartmentalized specialties of the sciences, but in the plural space in which these specialties cannot penetrate, since it is a field that necessarily permeates philosophical reflection. We understand that interdisciplinarity is a philosophical condition, that is, interdisciplinarity is a way of thinking philosophically. Philosophy represents the human search for the expansion of knowledge, because when it finds itself on the frontier, it tries, at all times, to go beyond it, expanding knowledge itself. The boundary, which we call the “crossroads” here, is not only the space between the various scientific specialties (disciplines) and the specifically human experiences, but also the line that separates the known from the unknown. Expanding knowledge, therefore, requires a leap into the dark, requires a philosophical attitude. In this context, this book, as a collection of texts and essays, represents the philosophical attitude of its authors, who sought to clarify their steps on the still obscure path of the frontier, or the crossroads. This collection is the result of epistemological, interdisciplinary and existential research by professors and students from the State and Federal Universities of Roraima, being divided into five chapters, the first two being a reflection on the role of intellectuals in society; the third, a Cartesian approach to skepticism; the fourth, a problematization of consciousness from the cinematographic panorama; and the fifth, a philosophical analysis of religious language. We would like to express our gratitude to the professors and students of the Undergraduate Program in Philosophy and the Postgraduate Degree in Philosophy of Religion at the State University of Roraima, as well as thanking the Masters in Communication programs at the Federal University of Roraima and the Professional Masters in Public Safety , Human Rights and Citizenship of UERR. We would also like to thank Editora UERR Edições and the Management of the State University of Roraima for their support in the development of this project.


    An analysis of the role of intellectuals in contemporaneity
    An Approach to the Relationship between Consciousness and Action
    An explosive dialogue to be examined
    A Materialist Reflection on the Ontological and Epistemological Issues of Consciousness
    Language and Religion from the Perspective of Philosophy


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Author Biographies

Elemar Kleber Favreto, Roraima State University/UERR

Possui bacharelado, licenciatura e mestrado em Filosofia pela Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - UNIOESTE (2007). Graduado em Ciências Contábeis pelo Centro Universitário Internacional - UNINTER (2017), Licenciado em Física pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas - IFAM (2018), Especialista em Gestão Pública Municipal pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UERR (2011) e Master of Business Administration (MBA) em Controladoria e Finanças pela Universidade Norte do Paraná - UNOPAR (2019). Tem experiência na área de Filosofia, Contabilidade e Metodologia da Pesquisa. Atuou como professor colaborador do curso de Filosofia da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - UNIOESTE (2009-2011) e em faculdades particulares. Atualmente é professor efetivo do curso de Filosofia da Universidade Estadual de Roraima - UERR (2011-atual). Participou como pesquisador dos Grupos de Pesquisa: História da Filosofia Moderna e Contemporânea - UNIOESTE (2009-2017), NEPTE - Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Teorias do Estado - UERR/UFRR (exercendo a coordenação de 2012 a 2014, sendo membro de 2012 a 2017), Escola Amazônica de Filosofia - UERR/UFRR (exercendo a coordenação no ano de 2014, sendo membro de 2014 a 2017) e Núcleo de Pesquisas em Engenharia Física e Astrofísica - UERR (2017-2020). Atualmente é sub-coordenador do LABRIA - Laboratório de Automação, Robótica e Inteligência Artificial - UERR. Em 2015 exerceu o cargo de Pró-reitor de Ensino e Graduação da UERR, sendo eleito, no mesmo ano, para exercer o cargo de Vice-reitor, cargo que ocupou de janeiro de 2016 à dezembro de 2019. Atualmente é Pró-Reitor de Gestão de Pessoas da UERR desde novembro de 2019. Seus temas de interesse são: diferença em Gilles Deleuze e na filosofia contemporânea, discussões referentes ao dualismo e materialismo contemporâneos, Inteligência Artificial, robótica, astrofísica, política e políticas públicas, orçamento e finanças.

Juliana Cristina Sousa da Silva, Federal University of Roraima / UFRR

Bachelor's Degree in Accounting from the State University of Roraima – UERR, Degree in Portuguese/English Letters from the Cesumar University – UNICESUMAR, Specialist in Health Management from the Federal University of Amazonas – UFAM and Master's Student in Communication at the Federal University of Roraima – UFRR.

Edgard Vinícius Cacho Zanette, Roraima State University/UERR

Bachelor, Degree and Master in Philosophy from the State University of West Paraná – UNIOESTE and Doctor in Philosophy from Unicamp. Professor at the State University of Roraima – UERR

Capa do livro "A Filosofia como Ponto de Encruzilhada"



December 28, 2021


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


How to Cite

FAVRETO, Elemar Kleber; SILVA, Juliana Cristina Sousa da; ZANETTE, Edgard Vinícius Cacho. Philosophy as a Crossroad Point: Epistemological, Interdisciplinary and Existential Essays. [s.l.] : UERR Editions,2021. DOI: 10.24979/uerr.edicoes.51. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.