Lavrados and cordeis
Literature, Cordel, RoraimaSynopsis
'Lavrados e Cordéis', by Rodrigo Leonardo Costa de Oliveira presents us with the look of someone who is unraveling events, landscapes, myths: the daily life of a region. But the revelation takes place here more as a way of interpreting the Roraima environment than as its truth. The relationship between the figures of writing is driven by preferences that indicate the subject of writing and the environment in which he finds himself. This environment projects subjectivity beyond its limits: towards the discovery and creation of cordelistic poetics that promotes, at the same time, a reinterpretation both of the region's history and culture, as well as of Brazilian literature.
Um cordel é
The Macunaíma code
O Encontro de Makunaima com Mário de Andrade
O ET de São João da Baliza
O Encontro de Makunaima com o Trio Roraimeira
O Baile do Judeu (Adaptado da obra de Inglês de Souza)
O Encontro de Makunaima com Ajuricaba contra a Biopirataria
Para toda rima saudade/Entre um café e cordel/Juquira
História da Universidade Federal de Roraima
Um encontro com Seu Xarute na Feira do Passarão
A cantiga de Luís Felipe e Júlia
Fim de tarde / Pelos campos do Rio Branco
O cachorro Peteleco
Isabel o o mundo à sua frente
Eu queria ser escritor