About the Press

UERR Edições aims to promote the editing of works of high cultural and scientific heritage, texts for university education and scientific, cultural and technological production of the University itself. Our editorial line includes: Works for all large areas of knowledge, works for large areas of knowledge in partnership with UERR undergraduate courses and Postgraduate Programs, in addition to other public or private institutions and translation of classic and contemporary works.

Editorial lines:

  1. Works aimed at all major areas of knowledge, received in a continuous flow regime with double-blind evaluation by the Scientific Committee of the Publisher and approval by the Editorial Board;
  2. Works focused on large areas of knowledge in partnership with UERR undergraduate courses and Postgraduate Programs, in addition to other public or private institutions;
  3. Translation of classic and contemporary works;

Copyright policy
All creation rights are maintained by the authors. Distribution rights are exclusive to UERR Edições.

Licensing policy
UERR Edições as a rule distributes its published works under the Creative Commons license - Attribution - commercial use - sharing under the same license (BY). There is permission to use and create works derived from the material, as long as there is attribution of credits (BY). Each author is free to decide the most convenient type of licensing.

Declaration of ethics and good practices
UERR Edições is a publisher committed to ensuring the highest standards of ethics in the publication. Based on this, the Editorial Board approved the Declaration of Ethics and Best Practices in Publication, which must be read and strictly followed by all the actors responsible for disseminating the knowledge practiced here.

Conflict of interest policy
UERR Edições is a publisher committed to ensuring the highest ethical standards in publishing. It is necessary that all parties involved in the publication act (Members of the Editorial Board, authors, reviewers and editors) agree on the previously defined standards of ethical behavior. Based on this, we defend the following principles regarding the conflict of interest policy in publications.

Policy for checking and fighting plagiarism
UERR Edições will follow the guidelines contained in the COPE ( Committee on Publication Ethics ) and will also have its own codes of conduct conduct and ethics, not accepting fraud, misconduct, ethics violations or plagiarism in any way. If some of these practices are identified in the manuscripts received, such as plagiarism, they will be treated in accordance with COPE guidelines. We therefore recommend that authors visit the COPE website for more information on research ethics: http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts. Associate editors will actively use advanced technological tools for detecting plagiarism, reporting any findings in this regard to the editorial board, which should adopt the appropriate legal measures.

Blind peer review policy
UERR Edições aims to ensure the integrity of blind peer review for submission and every effort should be made to prevent the identities of authors and reviewers be known to each other. This involves authors, editors and reviewers (who upload documents as part of their review).

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